ASUS X551CA Drivers Windows 7
For this model, on the official site there is drivers only for Windows 8 and 8.1.
Here we have the drivers for Windows 7. All the drivers are packed in a rar file.
You can download this file from this link.
There is one driver missing from the package. That is Card Reader Driver that you can download from this LINK.
ASUS X551CA Drivers Windows 7. hello, the file that I downloaded does not work. is a corrupted zip archive. can you help me? thanks
The file is now updated and you can download it. Enjoy!
my webcam dsn’t work
If the webcam don’t work, that may be probably a hardware problem, because you don’t need driver for webcam to work. There is small possibility that you can have a virus that block the usb ports (because the webcam is actually connected on usb port to the motherboard).
Hello! the new zip file works. the only driver who failed to unpack _Intel.zip is VGA (bad crc …). Can you just replace this again available for download? All other drivers were perfect. There was no card reader driver that I downloaded from Realtek’s website. If you do not want to put the driver VGA_Intel to download, please you can send me a link where I can download the right one? Thanks and sorry for all the trouble!! Thank you!! Joseph
Excuse me for my bad english.
Hello! the new zip file works fine. The only drivers that are not able to unpack is this: VGA _Intel.zip (bad crc …). Can you just replace this again available for download? All other drivers were perfect. There was no card reader driver that I downloaded from Realtek’s website. If you do not want to put the driver VGA_Intel to download, please can you send me a link where I can download the right one? Thanks and sorry for all the trouble!! Thank you!! Joseph
Hello! Please help me, the graphic driver is not working and in the LAN folder there is no setup to run. Someone said here that the VGA driver is not working, but in the file i’ve downloaded i don’t have any VGA folder. You are my last hope to rezolve this problem.
There it is “VGA Intel” folder when you extract the rar file. Inside this folder is the VA driver. Also, the it is “LAN Realtek” folder for the LAN Driver. Inside this folder you have setup for the driver. If not, try to download the file again.
There is no camera driver in mah CD plzz ,tell me the link where i download it
There is no need for camera driver. The camera is installed with the installation of Windows. You can test your webcam with this application -> AVACAM
I tried to go to the Win 7 drivers page, but I got this error: “Error establishing a database connection”. Please consider it. Thanks.
The link is fine, just checked.
Mr. Tome,
I can’t access the drivers page because of some sort of annoying Ads. Please let me know how could I do this.
I want win7 32bit Driver pls
This drivers should be also for 32-bit and 64-bit OS.