ASUS X451CA Drivers Windows 7
Here we have the drivers for ASUS X451CA laptop for Windows 7 operating system, for both 32-bit and 64-bit. The drivers are tested and work for sure. On the official site there is only drivers for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 for this model. We provide for you the drivers for Windows 7.
All the drivers are packed in a single rar file. Here is the link for download:
There is one driver missing from the package. That is Card Reader Driver that you can download from this LINK.
ASUS X551CA Drivers Windows 7
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ASUS X451CA Drivers Windows 7
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please win7 bit32 all driver
laptop asus-X551CA
They should be the same as for ASUS X451CA
thank you man, it’s works with my Asus X451CA-VX149D
alguem sabe a senha da bios desse note asus x451 ca
There is no bios password by default for this model.
Obrigado por compartilhar Amigo!
nao consigo baixar drive de rede wi-fi do asus x451c .me ajudem pfv
All drivers are packed in a 1 single package. You can download that and extract. Inside is the driver for WiFi.
Great! You´re the a good friend. Thanks for sharing with us!
Sure this help much more peoples.
Thanks again!
mrokano – São Paulo / Brazil