ASUS F555LN Unboxing
Here we do unboxing of ASUS F555LN laptop. This is the video from the unboxing:
ASUS F555LN Unboxing by tomitrajkov
On the next picture are shown the specifications of this model:
The model that we have here have a 4-th generation i7 processor, 6GB of RAM and Nvidia GeForce 840M Graphic Card with 2GB VRAM. Solid machine for not so high price.
Also the laptop is slim and very stylish with aluminium body, as we can see from the next pictures:
As we can see from the last picture this laptop is a part from the last series of ASUS designer laptops with the slogan: “In search of Incredible” .
If you doubt of buying this laptop, don’t. You have our recommendation.
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