ASUS EEE PC R011PX Unboxing
Here we have ASUS EEE PC R011PX. This is newer model than ASUS X101H that we have presented earlier. Below we have the video taken unboxing the ASUS EEE PC R011PX.
The model that we have here is white color. But the same model can be with black and saten color also. The specifications of the model that we have are given in the table below:
Operating System |
Display |
Memory |
Storage |
Wireless Data Network . |
Camera |
Audio |
Interface |
Battery |
Dimensions |
Weight |
Color |
This model beside the Linux Ubuntu, can be installed with Windows XP and Windows 7. There are drivers for this model on the official site. We test it with XP and 7 also. It work excellent on XP. On Windows 7 work good, but it will be better if you can add +1 GB of RAM. With 2GB should work very good on Windows 7 also.
Here we have a picture gallery from this model:
1 Comment
I have had the Eee PC 1000HE for about a week now, and it has fulfilled my every expectation. Because I hadn’t started up the Eee without installing the 2 GB RAM I’d purchased, this review is relevant to those who plan to upgrade, or have already upgraded the RAM in the unit. For those who don’t, I will add that it is extremely easy and inexpensive to double the RAM of this netbook. I had never opened a laptop chassis before, and it took all of 5 minutes.^..`